Event of interest
The safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste in the small inventory Member States
October 22nd, 2024
Full day
Berlaymont, Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Bruxelles
Croatia - National presentationPDF - 218.1 Ko
Cyprus- Implementing a national policy and strategy on RWM in CyprusPDF - 882.5 Ko
Denmark - RWM in DenmarkPDF - 1.3 Mo
DG ENER - Implementation of the RW Directive and other on-going studies on RWMPDF - 1.4 Mo
Estonia - RWM in EstoniaPDF - 1 Mo
Greece - RWM in GreecePDF - 1 Mo
Ireland - RWM in IrelandPDF - 647 Ko
JRC - ARTEMIS peer reviewPDF - 1.3 Mo
JRC - Overview of JRC role and activities in RWM, infrastructure and trainingPDF - 2.5 Mo
Portugal - RWM in PortugalPDF - 341.8 Ko
RTD ConclusionsPDF - 280.8 Ko
RTD - RWM in SIMSPDF - 1.1 Mo
EURAD-PREDIS achievementsPDF - 297 Ko
EURAD - A platform for young scientists and researchersPDF - 1014.2 Ko