EURAD-2 has two different types of stakeholders groups : end-users and stakeholders.
End-users are defined to be waste owners, waste generators, waste management organisations and regulators. others than those (institutes or persons) participants in a specific work package. They will be able to provide feedback to the programme via attendance to workshops, review of draft documents. They will have access to work package insights and will have opportunities to guide the programme direction without any voting power, approval rights or budget allocation. After Programme Management Office approval, any organisation willing to join this focused group will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This document will be shared by the Coordinator.
Stakeholders will be a wider group of interested parties and users of the programme outcomes who will not be required to sign any document. They will be invited to public events to follow the progress of the programme and will be the main target audience for dissemination activities. at the programme level and at the workpackage level.
How to become a EURAD-2 end-user?
Complete the questionnaire below expressing your interests in EURAD-2 WPs and we will come back to you !