CONtainer CORrosion under Disposal conditions (CONCORD)
Optimise and evaluate the behaviour of materials for disposal containers in view of their long-term barrier performance
WP Leader: Nikitas Diomidis (NAGRA, Switzerland)
WP ConCorD will:
• Explore the potential of novel container materials and processes for optimisation of container performance within the engineered barrier system.
• Deepen the understanding of coupled interfacial processes influencing container performance under repository relevant conditions, with a focus on irradiation-accelerated corrosion, microbial activity and degradation during nearfield transients.
• Demonstrate the obtained mechanistic process understanding and develop predictive models leading to more focused performance assessments for addressing identified safety needs.
Even though the feasibility and safety of established container solutions has been demonstrated, recent progress in materials and processes has shown that optimisation of container manufacturing and performance is possible. The systematic exploration of novel materials, while placing existing solutions in a broader context, will provide a solid state-of-the-art for the pursuit of container optimisation according to available geology, disposal concept and regulatory requirements. The deeper understanding of coupled degradation processes of container materials will allow the development of improved assessment tools, which will ensure confidence in the long-term performance of containers and its predictability