
EURAD - D4.1 SotA in the fields of numerical analysis and scientific computing

This document provides an assessment of the current state-of-the-art for the DONUT work package. It is intended as a reference for the involved actors in EURAD and will be updated at the end of the project as new information becomes available. The prupose of this work package is to improve/develop methods or numerical tools in order to go a step further in development of (i) relevant, performant and cutting-edge numerical methods that can easily be implemented in existing or new tools, in order to carry out high-performance computing to facilitate the study of highly coupled processes in large systems. These methods and their implementation in tools will be mainly applied to reactive transport, 2-phase flow, and THM modelling in porous and fractured media; (ii) numerical scale transition schemes for coupled processes (meso1 to macro scale), supporting the study of specific multi-scale couplings such as chemo-mechanics; (iii) innovative numerical methods to carry out uncertainty and sensitivity analyses coupled processes.

D4.1 SotA DONUTPDF - 2.7 Mo