EURAD - D9.19 Synthesis of Task 7 activities
Deliverable 9.19 “Synthesis report of Task 7 activities” aims to provide summary of the ROUTES Task 7 activities on interaction with Civil Society. It entails a short overview of the objectives and structure of the task, summarizes main issues regarding transparency and public participation which goes beyond the Aarhus convention, address the public participation in radioactive waste management as a generic trend. One part describes basic double wing model of Civil Society interaction based on which public participation was organised in the EURAD programme. It also includes the possible extension of the model and enlargement to the triple wing model which can be used in the future. The report gathers the main outcomes from the performed activities in task 7 and describes the main results and derived recommendations which should be implemented in the future interaction with civil society. The overview of dissemination activities is presented in the five years of work package implementation with connections to the results. Some limited feedback has been collected and delivers additional insight on how Task 7 has been perceived within different groups.