Project deliverables

EURAD - D3.5 CORI Final Report integrating the RD&D performed in CORI, including application to the Safety Case

This final report summarizes main technical achievements in CORI generated in the RD&D Tasks 2, 3, and 4 (which are presented in the combined CORI Deliverable D3.6,7,8 in much more detail). Task 2 has provided new results on the organic source terms for several types of organic materials: polyvinyl chloride PVC, cellulose, ion exchange resins (IER) and superplasticizers (cementitious additives). New information is available on degradation processes and mechanisms but also on the chemical characteristics and production yields over time. Results from Task 3 provide new quantitative information on the retention of selected organic molecules on different cement materials and cement alteration stages and contribute to an improved definition and assessment or the organic plume. Main results from Task 4 show how selected radionuclides (with often diverse chemical characteristics) are retained on the investigated cement materials in the presence of a variety of different organic molecules. Results for the many investigated systems show a rather large variation of radionuclide retention, highlighting systems where radionuclide retention is strongly impacted by the organics and others where there is no apparent discernible impact of a certain organic molecule on radionuclide retention. The large variation in CORI regarding radionuclides, cement materials / degradation stages, and organics provides a significantly improved database and scientific understanding to assess these processes. In addition, the potential impact of CORI is discussed in view of application oriented activities and the Safety Case, also reflected at the national levels of the groups involved in CORI. This Deliverable is not intended to comment on any specific existing Safety Case but rather explain the broader context in which CORI results may be used. Impact is also generated in CORI by improving scientific/technical networking in Europe, enhancing interactions with interested stakeholders including civil society representatives, educating and training young researcher as future experts in the field. CORI contributes to European integration and vision. 

EURAD - D3.5 CORI Final Report integrating the RD&D performed in CORI, including application to the Safety CasePDF - 589.2 Ko