Project deliverables

EURAD D1.8 - Process for the extensive update of the EURAD SRA

The Bureau of the EURAD General Assembly is responsible for preparing a plan and developing and agreeing on a process (described in this deliverable D1.8) for the future update of the EURAD SRA (D1.9) which will complete by January 2023 (Month 44). This plan will seek approval by the EURAD General Assembly in September 2021 (GA5). The EURAD SRA update will fundamentally serve two purposes, (i) to take stock and reflect on progress made since 2019 and capture emerging needs from across the Colleges (…what has changed, what is new…), and (ii) to prepare as an input for a potential future EC joint programme (...what should we work on together in the future beyond 2024+…).

EURAD - D1.8 Process for the extensive update of the EURAD SRAPDF - 322.2 Ko