
EURAD - D16.1 MAGIC Initial SotA

This report is an initial State-of-The-Art (SOTA) literature review in the MAGIC WP (Work Package) dedicated to synthetize the knowledge on cementitious materials evolution in radioactive waste geological disposal conditions.
The European Union (EU) member states (MS)’ disposal contexts are not considered in the present report. Existing previous SOTA reports are listed in this document.
This SOTA has the following objectives:
1) Sharing a collective overview of the main disturbances, from the nanoscale to the macroscale, in terms of chemistry (with consequences on transport) but also in terms of mechanics and microbial activity, which will prevail for concrete structure emplaced in clayey and crystalline environment;
2) Identifying the limitations and gaps especially for chemo-mechanics modelling but also for microbial impact in representative conditions, in order to update more precisely the perspectives and adapt the road map of MAGIC’s WP.
MAGIC’s participants contributed to the different SOTA chapters’ writing. The structure is divided in four parts: Part 1 is a synthesis of key processes controlling the evolution of chemical and transfer properties of cementitious materials placed in deep disposal environments. Due to the numerous previous SOTA on this topic, especially on the chemical evolution of concrete in saturated environment, this part focuses on the key reactive pathways identified in previous studies. The multiscale mechanical behaviours related to the disturbances imposed in geological disposal environments is detailed in Part 2. Part 3 highlights the existing knowledge on the chemo-mechanical (C/M) modelling approach on concrete. Finally, the influence of microbial activity on the chemo-mechanical behaviour of concrete is detailed in Part 4.

EURAD - D16.1 MAGIC Initial SotAPDF - 5.5 Mo