Project deliverables

EURAD - D1.17 Evaluating the impact of European Programme on Radioactive Waste Management

EURAD - the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management - has operated for 5-years since its inception in 2019 and has successfully achieved a step-change towards a more effective and efficient use of public funding in Europe by bringing the European waste management community and its experts together, and a deepening of research-cooperation between Member States. It has delivered a joint strategic programme of research and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing together and complementing EU Member State programmes in order to ensure cutting-edge knowledge creation and preservation in view of delivering safe, sustainable and publicly acceptable solutions for the management of radioactive waste across Europe now and in the future. 

Besides looking at the impact of EURAD, this evaluation also looks at the suitability of the processes and the structure used by EURAD to provide added value to the National Radioactive Waste Management Programmes. Besides the ‘personal’ judgement of the CSOff (using the contributions and the comments on drafts of this document by reviewers), this evaluation also builds upon the input of some representatives of the Member States received through specific interviews and discussions in the framework of the lessons learned organized during the last year of the programme. 

EURAD - D1.17 Evaluating the impact of European Programme on Radioactive Waste ManagementPDF - 745.7 Ko