Innovative characterisation techniques for large volumes (ICARUS)

WP Leader: Eros Mossini (POLIMI, Italy)


Further development, optimization and harmonization of innovative techniques for characterizing radiological, physical and chemical properties of LLW/ILW-mixed waste which could be critical for the safe implementation of radioactive waste management programmes, including destructive techniques (DT) on laboratory scale and its relation to non-destructive techniques (NDT) and scaling factors (SF) at the raw waste and package scale user cases. 


Description of the WP

  • To identify the best available characterization techniques for large volume raw waste in industrially relevant decommissioning situations, a comprehensive SotA is needed.

  • To achieve fast and sufficiently accurate gamma activity distribution in complex large packages (1st use case), NDTs require innovation and optimization to be proficiently implemented in industrial applications, encompassing decommissioning and ongoing operational processes. 

  • To improve and simplify the inventory of physical-chemical properties and alpha emitters compared to current expensive DT and high uncertainty SF methods (2nd use case), the optimization of NDT needs to be investigated in relevant industrial scenarios (decommissioning/operational processes). 

  • To improve sensitivity, accuracy, uncertainty and cope with expensive and time-consuming conventional radiochemical analysis (3rd use case), cutting-edge DTs need to be developed for determining critical long-lived Difficult To Measure (DTM) radionuclides (C-14, Cl-36, Ca-41, Se-79, Zr-93, Mo-93, Tc-99, Pd-107, Cs-135, Cm-243, Cm-244) in decommissioning/operational samples to develop a comprehensive inventory.

  • To lower the uncertainties and improve accuracy and reliability to meet ever stringent requirements set by national regulators for raw mixed waste (4th use case), the SF approach needs to be thoroughly investigated.



  • 1st use case: improved NDT methods and approaches for radiological characterization (incl. in-situ and remote characterization, gamma and neutron analyses) of complex large packages (incl. mixed wastes as heterogeneous legacy waste) to safely implement subsequent stages of waste management lifecycle strategy.

  • 2nd use case: improved NDT methods for characterisation of physical-chemical properties and chemicals inventory to optimize waste segregation, treatment and conditioning and enhance pre-disposal safety. 

  • 3rd use case: development/optimisation/innovation of fast and cheap DTs to characterise DTM radionuclides identified as critical and for which limitations/difficulties remain in the available characterisation techniques, to improve the sensitivity, accuracy, uncertainty and obtain a comprehensive radiological inventory. 

  • 4th use case: development of innovative methods for the optimization and validation of SF methodology to improve accuracy, uncertainty, and reliability of DTM radionuclides estimation in raw mixed waste.