ROUTES Workshop on SIMS and LIMS interaction
From November 28th to 30th 2023 the 2nd Workshop on SIMS (Small Inventory Member States) and LIMS (Large Inventory Member States) interaction will take place in Lisbon, Portugal. This workshop is organised in the frame of the ROUTES WPs dissemination activities and will provide you with a detailed insight into predisposal and disposal options for countries without waste acceptance criteria (WAC) as well as small inventories of radioactive waste. Presentations by the IAEA and other international organisations will provide a broad overview over current activities in the field of radioactive waste management, and interactive sessions will provide a forum for knowledge exchange and interaction.
Additionally, this workshop includes a half-day introductory session for students-only, and dedicated students’ sessions throughout the workshop tackling the challenges of waste management for small inventories and providing an additional forum for discussions. EURAD students remain warmly welcome. Funding for students to participate at this workshop is provided by ENEN2+. Entitled to funding are students (BSc, MSc or PhD level) that have worked or are currently doing research within the field of waste management and want to broaden their knowledge in challenges of SIMS.
Registration link for the workshop:
From November 28th to November 30th, 2023
Full days