EURAD-2 Training

Lunch-and-learn session - A pluralistic tool of dialogue on RWM - the Pathway Evaluation Process (PEP)

September 28th, 2022
13.00 - 14.00

GAS-HITEC training

The talk will provide a short description of the objectives, methodology and mechanisms of the tool of dialogue entitled Pathway Evaluation Process (PEP). The PEP is a serious game on RWM Governance that has been developed within the SITEX II project (2015-2017). The objective is to identify  issues all along the pathways that would really matter for different categories of actors, which have not the same vision of what should be the pathway  and what should be the safe situation for the long term. A PEP session put into discussion different strategies allowing to reach a safe situation for the long term. The tool is envisioned to be used in the frame of different EURAD projects and notably UMAN and ROUTES. 


Julien Dewoghélaëre

Mr. Julien Dewoghélaëre has a graduate degree in Politics Sciences (Sciences Po Bordeaux, 2003). He has been working since 2011 in MUTADIS on research projects and network activities on the governance of hazardous activities, particularly on nuclear related matters. He was involved in the SITEX project (2012-2013) and SITEX-II project (2015-2017) and in the development of tools enabling pluralistic dialogue between various categories of actors on complex topics (including Radioactive Waste Management) entitled Pathway Evaluation Process (PEP).