EURAD-2 Training

Lunch-and-learn session - The next-generation scientific research for the safe management of radioactive wastes – views and role of EuradScience

Speaker : Christophe BRUGGEMAN (see bio below)



April 28th, 2021
12.30 - 13.30


Christophe Bruggeman (1976) (M) (Mining Engineer, PhD in Bio-Engineering Science) is the head of the Expert Group Waste & Disposal and Deputy Director of the Environment, Health and Safety Institute at SCK CEN, the Belgian Nuclear Research Center. As such, he is responsible for the coordination of the RD&D related to radioactive waste disposal on an administrative, financial and scientific level. He is a guest lecturer at the Université de Liège (ULg, Belgium) on the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle and coordinates SCK CEN’s activities in the H2020 projects EURAD, PREDIS and CHANCE. He is also Bureau Member in the General Assembly of the European Joint Programme on radioactive waste management (EURAD), representing the Research Entities, and acts as the current chair of EuradScience, the European Network of research organisations on radioactive waste management.