EURAD Training

EURAD Training course on Uncertainty Management

The main aim of the training is to address the training need “7.3.1 Treatment of uncertainty” identified in EURAD deliverable D13.1 as one the five most urgent and highest priority topics. The training will also address other urgent and high priority topics such as “7.1 Safety strategy”, “3.1 Confirm wasteform compositions, properties and behaviour under storage and disposal conditions, including impact on the disposal environment (wasteform)” or “‘3.1.1 Spent Nuclear Fuel”.

Target audience: MSc degree required; Multidisciplinary (professional) experts and specialized experts; non-EURAD partners; Experts involved in the development of the safety case; safety case reviewers

Educational level: EQF Level 7: equivalent to Master degree, post-graduate

Registration deadline: 01/02/2023

From February 14th to February 16th, 2023
Full days

Bel V
Rue Walcourt 148
Brussels, 1070 Belgium


Remarks: Registration to some parts of the course (instead of the whole course) is possible. To do so, please register via the button on top and send an email to to indicate which parts you will attend.